The company is certified with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 and provides high products and services.
Basic Policy and commitment of our company is the achievement of its conventional obligations with respect to the requirements of its customers, aiming in their complete satisfaction, through an organised environment that seeks the continuous improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of System of Management of Quality.
The company, for the implementation of those commitments, determines the next Objectives of Quality, calling its personnel to contribute in their achievement:
- Continuous improvement of customers’ satisfaction.
- Implementation and maintenance of installed System of Management of Quality.
- Delivery of products/services that fulfills the expectations of customers, the conventional obligations of company, but also the legislative and lawful requirements.
The implementation of those objectives requires:
- Setting Quality as Fundamental objective of all our labour activities.
- The adoption and implementation of proceeding continuous improvement of Quality with the active participating of all workers.
- The control and the supervision of company’s activities and the implementation of corrective actions, when and where it is required, for the resolution of problems and the obliteration of errors and faults.
- The growth of common work spirit and collaboration between departments and between workers.
- The education, growth and satisfaction of personnel, since the workers of company constitute its basic workforce and are those that labor for the satisfaction of its customers.
Each worker is in charge in the sector of his labour obligations, for the implementation and the observation of System of Management of Quality and its continuous improvement.
Lasertech has a continuous pursuit of quality assurance, so the company givesemphasis on welding processes. The company has a lot of certificates in welding processes (WPQR). Moreover, Lasertech has not only certificated welding inspector but also certificated welders. Besides, the company is under certification process for European standard EN 1090.